It Consumes Half of All Electricity Mankind Generates

Alex Koyfman

Posted October 11, 2018

Wind a copper wire around a spool. 

Put the spool into a cylinder lined with magnets. 

Put a current though the copper wire… and magic happens: The spool begins to turn. 

This simple mechanical process has been known to man for centuries and, in various forms and applications, has been with us since the 1820s. 

It’s powered everything from wristwatches to 300,000-ton oil tankers, and it’s never been more in demand than it is today, as it gradually replaces internal combustion engines as the primary power source for personal road-going transportation. 

All in all, a full 50% of all the electricity generated on planet Earth is consumed by this simple mechanism — almost $3 trillion worth of power.

No other single application of generated power comes even close. 

But it doesn’t end there.

The Most Important Machine Known to Man

Reverse the process by mechanically spinning the spool within the same magnetic field, and once again, magic happens: Electricity flows out of the system, generating power. 

Just a decade after the invention of the first motor, one of its pioneers, Michael Faraday, gave us the generator. 

Since then, generators have used the flow of water, the pressure of steam, the power of wind, and the energy of internal combustion to turn mechanical energy in electrical energy. 

And if you thought consuming 50% of all generated power was impressive on the part of electrical motors, you’ll be even more impressed by just how important generators are to us… because in total, they account for 99% of the power we produce. 

But here’s the biggest shock of all: Since Michael Faraday’s first prototypes of the early 1800s, both the electrical motor and its close relative, the electrical generator, have been produced with one major flaw. 

A built-in imperfection that today eats up tens of billions of dollars’ worth of energy and costs additional billions in maintenance.

The problem is, the motor and the generator have remained essentially identical to those first, preliminary 19th century designs. 

We’ve made them bigger, faster, and built of better materials, but the core design has not changed one bit. 

And with it, that core flaw has also remained untouched.

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A Single Phone Call Changed My Life

Few people outside the electrical engineering industry know about this, myself included… That is, right up until a few weeks ago, when I took a phone call from a man who has been working on this problem for much of his professional career. 

I went into the phone call not knowing what to expect, but after just 30 minutes, I was starting to grasp the magnitude of the problem. 

The man on the other end of the phone call, who has built an entire company around the solution to this problem, will probably go down in history as one of the most important engineering minds of the 21st century. 

His invention is going to make every existing electrical motor, from the one running the fan inside your laptop to the motors propelling every electric car on the road, obsolete. 

It’s going to revolutionize Michael Faraday’s 200-year-old design for the first time since its very advent, saving governments, companies, and consumers billions of dollars in overhead every year. 

When I was done with that phone call, I immediately got down to the business of writing a research report on the company this man is running.

There was no time to waste because his company, small as it is, already trades on the public markets, which meant if I didn’t get the information out to my readers soon, they might miss out on the biggest investment opportunity of the decade, if not the century. 

I recently completed that report and am now ready to share it. 

It will explain everything, from the problem itself to the solution and from the man behind it to the company he’s built.

Don’t waste another second. Get your exclusive look right now by clicking here.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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